Serving as the embedded CLA team for Save the Children’s USAID Implementer-Led Design, Evidence, Analysis and Learning (IDEAL) activity, Acute Incite leads and supports all internal and external learning events and activities. Acted as both the technical and production leads for two large-scale learning events on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) nexus: the virtual Knowledge Sharing Series, and the Regional Knowledge Sharing Meetings, held in-person in Kenya for participants from the Horn of Africa and in Senegal for the Sahel. Supported overall knowledge capture for internal and external audiences, which includes capturing success stories, writing case studies, reports, and blogs to promote tools and resources from the field, and hosting webinars for sharing, and facilitating peer communities. Additional learning event support for USAID IDEAL includes facilitation of monthly and quarterly virtual internal Pause and Reflect sessions for the full cross-functional IDEAL team of 25+ people; and monthly virtual sessions for the USAID/IDEAL Strategic Learning & Adaptive Management (SLAM) (previously known as the Strategic Learning Knowledge Sharing Group).
We designed and now deliver bi-annually an engaging and live four-day training hosted through Humentum’s learning platform. It is designed to a) help implementing partners understand what USAID expects around learning from program design and implementation; b) present a comprehensive and consistent approach to CLA expectations for program implementation; and c) create or enhance a strong collaborative relationship with USAID counterparts, that can lead to more effective results and increased opportunities for collaboration in the future. Many implementers, including many international and local NGOs, have taken the training. It is the only global, online CLA training currently available to private and public sector implementing partners and routinely receives rave reviews. Individuals can enroll in this course through Humentum or can be delivered directly to organizations.
Acute Incite is the CLA partner on a consortium led by Global Communities. In this complex and at times non-permissive operating environment, we are providing a local Learning Specialist as well as the TCN CLA Expert who is helping to mentor this individual. We are supporting the COP and MEL team on adaptive leadership approaches; facilitating partner meetings; and providing STTA to the project to help them use CLA tools and adapt them to the local context. Other STTA support includes conducting a CLA/TOC learning agenda workshop and training; developing the learning agenda and activity learning cycle for the MEL plan; developing and supporting iterative processes, tools, and templates (e.g., pause and reflect sessions and lightning learnings); providing coaching on facilitation techniques; and developing simple processes for mainstream knowledge capture for learning and adaptation purposes.
A core component of Acute Incite’s engagement involved ongoing and regular executive coaching sessions with C-level executives to crystallize corporate and individual goals, objectives, and performance metrics. Acute Incite facilitated an executive retreat and visioning exercise to clarify and strengthen corporate goals and align functional goals, objectives, and metrics for each of the primary business functions. Acute Incite conducted several Key Informant Interviews to inventory existing assets and business processes as well as identify components that should be scaled or stopped. We developed a corporate-wide performance management plan defining quarterly and annual objectives for each functional leader; coached each leader to develop respective performance management goals at the employee level; and defined a cadence of focused meetings to maintain alignment, manage ongoing priorities, and build a culture of shared accountability. Acute Incite assists ROC with marketing social media, and general bid and proposal support in an ongoing basis.
Acute Incite supported the planning, design, and implementation of an internal and an external learning event for over 100 participants in each event for this global contract on partnering with the private sector to offer blended finance across development sectors. Synthesized key findings from multiple project documents from 26 buys-in, conducted key informant interviews with project staff, and used these insights to work with CATALYZE staff to design the themes, agenda, types of sessions, and guidelines for both events. Summarized the take-aways from these events in a video and a Learning Brief. Developed a Compendium of key takeaways, successes and challenges, contextual enablers and challenges, learnings, recommendations, and information gaps on the project thus far.
Acute Incite supported DAI’s Digital Connectivity and Cybersecurity Partnership (DCCP) team and their strategic communication needs. Reviewed quarterly updates and products from local partners to recommend appropriate communication products and delivery channels. For publication on USAID websites and in the local press: drafted articles and blogs focused on local partner approaches to implementing cybersecurity awareness campaigns in Southeast Asia; research and wrote analysis on bridging the digital divide for South Asia’s women entrepreneurs; wrote analyses and success stories and social media posts on digital challenges and learnings from other projects; and developed the concept notes; outreach emails; facilitation guides; talking points and social media toolkits for two learning events as well as a Peer-to-Peer Learning Workshop with five local partners.
Acute Incite served as lead partner with three UNICEF operating units collaborating to develop a systematic approach to adaptive programming for this global international development organization, to plan a two-day workshop to explore the value of adaptive programming and its application to UNICEF’s programming policies and practices. Working with leadership to co-create the workshop, we conducted a desk review, KIIs, and FGDs with key staff on perceptions about adaptive programming and alignment with other ongoing organizational initiatives. Based on these inputs, we designed, planned, facilitated, and documented an online, interactive workshop on the value of adaptive programming, and its application to current programming policies and practices.
Acute Incite worked closely with government Subject Matter Experts to design a blended learning curriculum to meet specific adult learning objectives for senior professionals across USAID. With agreement on pedagogy and learning outcomes, we adapted existing week-long Digital Development training content into one live blended multimedia online training, that includes recorded videos, live virtual sessions, and engaging activities such as case studies, use of interactive graphics, infographics, and polls. We ensured that all materials complied with Section 508 accessibility regulations, and we delivered the content on two separate Learning Management Systems (commercial and government). We then designed a weeklong course with blended content that incorporated the best practices on scenario-based learning, practical learning activities that drive behavior change and applied learning, compelling storytelling that makes concepts approachable and lowers learning resistance, and practical, formative assessments that engage learners in problem solving that applies advance than summative assessments. Acute Incite delivered week-long facilitated training sessions using the designed curriculum and content for senior USAID professionals, one in the Washington, DC headquarters and one for international missions. We tailored content based on specific challenges and preferences from each group.
Acute Incite supported the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA International), a non-governmental organization that provides development and relief assistance to people in need in more than 118 countries, with an assessment to identify gaps, recommendations, and a plan to improve the capacity of, and staff engagement with, their internal SharePoint-based information hub. Acute Incite reviewed existing resources, conducted a survey across ten operational units, facilitated focus groups, and used our portal maturity assessment tool to provide a multi-dimensional assessment of related unit sites on the organization’s internal platform, ADRAnet. We then combined our experience with intranets over the past two decades with best practices in platforms, policies, and user engagement to provide clear recommendations and an initial action plan.
Acute Incite is providing training on CLA tools and STTA support to better define the Theory of Change. We conducted a stakeholder orientation to the CLA approach and a CLA needs assessment, as well as the process of designing and conducting three CLA trainings and developing a strategy and action plan. As parents in the country allow more children to attend school after many gang members (and non-gang members) were incarcerated, we help the project customize CLA tools and templates to fit their complex environment and provide STTA as the CLA plan is implemented and tools are used.
Working with USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance though the Private Sector Engagement Modernization Institutional Support Contract (PSEMC), implemented by Dexis Professional Services, we organized the first Thinking and Working Politically Case Competition. This was an effort aimed at capturing real-life case studies of USAID staff and implementing partners using a TWP approach for organizational learning and better development outcomes. For the winners, runners-up, and honorable mentions, Acute Incite edited their cases and will host a webinar to showcase the winners' cases studies.
Acute Incite supported the design, facilitation, and documentation of a Pause and Reflect effort, as planned for in HRASA’s Year 1 work plan and its Activity Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan (AMELP). We designed a three-day workshop with a series of sessions on the theory of change for the HRASA project, including both sessions with the HRASA team and sessions with the team, USAID, and other stakeholders.
Acute Incite manages the global online CLA Community of Practice, inviting speakers from USAID and implementers, collaboratively designing agendas, and inviting participants around the world, including those that have participated in the Humentum training.
Acute Incite provided support to develop an updated CLA Strategy and Implementation Plan that enables Albarka to make the necessary technical, operational and/or administrative adaptations to improve program quality and maximize food and nutrition outcomes for the communities it serves. This included conducting virtual CLA training to staff, as well as designing and facilitating a pause and reflect session.
Using a combination of cross-cutting KIIs and an online survey based on USAID’s CLA maturity self-assessment tool, Acute Incite conducted a multi-stakeholder needs assessment, the inputs of which were used to facilitate a share-back, validate the results, and revise the needs and priorities accordingly. This formed the content for the CLA plan and strategy.
The Multi-Donor Learning Partnership (MDLP) is an intentional, direct, and ongoing collaboration and support network of the senior adaptive management, knowledge management (KM), and organizational learning representatives from major bilateral and multi-lateral donors including UNICEF, USAID, Sida, GIZ, the World Bank, IDB, FCDO, IFAD and the Wellcome Trust, established in September 2018. Acute Incite has supported engagement and collaboration among MDLP members, which has included developing a collective Theory of Change for the MDLP about its work in support of development impact and the SDGs, facilitating workshops to support MDLP member through a virtual process to collaboratively harness the experience and wisdom of the group to deliver a shared theory of change, supporting case study development, and curating the publication of the award-winning book Return on Knowledge: How international development agencies are collaborating to deliver impact through knowledge, learning, research and evidence.
Recognizing the social, political, and economic conditions in Lebanon were deteriorating (volatile exchange rates, daily demonstrations, failing government, etc.), the USAID mission requested that QITABI II develop an Adaptive Management Plan that included a robust Scenario Planning component. Acute Incite provided virtual support to conduct a needs assessment and planning for a two-day workshop for five partners, training them on the CLA Framework, the value and purpose of a CLA Plan, and how to do scenario planning. We also provided capacity strengthening support for CLA integration, including Pause and Reflects, Scenario Planning, Learning Agendas, Theory of Change, and adaptive MEL.
Acute Incite co-created and facilitated an organization-wide capacity strengthening workshop about USAID’s Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) framework, and specifically how to apply a step-by-step Theory of Change approach to design, implement, and learn from development programs. This included ongoing coaching and thought leadership to nine different technical teams across the organization as they sought to apply the approach presented to construct technical area Theories of Change for Global Communities activities. We worked closely with the MELKM team to connect the dots across technical area Theories of Change to develop a shared learning agenda, a high-level Theory of Change, and supportive resources.